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Tests for MathematicsCBSE, Class 8
Chapter 1 Test 1
Rational Numbers
  1. Properties of rational number
  2. Negative numbers
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Chapter 2 Test 1
Linear Equations in One Variable
  1. Linear Equations in One Variable
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Chapter 3 Test 1
Understanding Quadrilaterals
  1. Polygons and its types
  2. Properties of polygon
  3. Properties of Parallelogram
  4. Special types of parallelogram
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Chapter 4 Test 1
Data Handling
  1. Pie charts
  2. Chances and Probability
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Chapter 5 Test 1
Square and Square Roots
  1. Square Numbers
  2. Square root
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Chapter 6 Test 1
Cubes and Cube Roots
  1. Cube Numbers
  2. Cube Root
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Chapter 7 Test 1
Comparing quatities
  1. Percentage practical problems
  2. Profit and loss
  3. Compound Interest
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Chapter 8 Test 1
Algebraic Expressions and Identities
  1. Multiplication of algebraic expressions
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Chapter 9 Test 1
  1. Area of Quadrilaterals and Polygons
  2. Surface Area of Cube, Cubiod and Cylinde
  3. Volume of cube, cubiod and cylinder
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Chapter 10 Test 1
Exponents and Powers
  1. Powers
  2. Use of Exponents to Express Small Numbers in Standard Form
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Chapter 11 Test 1
Direct and Inverse Proportions
  1. Direct proportions
  2. Inverse proportions
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Chapter 12 Test 1
  1. Introduction to Factorization
  2. Division of Algebraic Expressions
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Chapter 13 Test 1
Introduction to Graphs
  1. Introduction to Graphs
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Chapter 14 Test 1
Playing with Numbers
  1. Playing with Numbers
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